What is Invisalign?
Its the modern approach to straightening teeth using a clear plastic custom made series of aligners which gradually move your teeth into place while you wear them. Simply pop in a new aligner every two weeks until and watch your smile improve step by step.
Invisalign vs Traditional Braces
Both traditional braces and Invisalign straighten your teeth, can treat a variety of cases and cost an average of $5,000 but why choose Invisalign over traditional braces? The following answers will tell you why:
You can undergo treatment without having to leave your dental office.
You are able to have your teeth straightened without people noticing.
You can brush and floss your teeth normally.
You can remove any time you need to.
You are able to eat whatever you want.
Aligners are made of smooth, comfortable plastic.
You will make less frequent office visits.
Why Invisalign?
For most patients the number one reason they choose invisalign is to straighten or "fix" their crooked teeth. Though this is the main reason most of us choose to use invisalign there are some greater underlying areas we should address. Let us look at some the more common problems Invisalign addresses one by one:
The most common problem faced by patients is crowding. When there is crowding it makes it extremely difficult to clean which leads to plaque and tartar buildup. Buildup is a place where bacteria are able to grow and spread to the gums greatly increasing the risk for periodontal disease, bone & tooth loss and ultimately lead to systemic health problems.
Another reason for choosing Invisalign is when patients have spacing or gaps between their teeth. Spacing allows for the possibility of food getting lodged in between teeth which can lead to irritated or sore gums and ultimately periodontal disease.
Cross Bite
Cross bite generally occurs when the top teeth start to tilt inside of the lower teeth which can result in premature contact. Eventually the forces of this early contact will lead to tooth wear, chipped or fracture teeth, abfraction and/or periodontal disease.
Deep Bite, Under Bite, Excessive Overjet, Edge to Edge & Open Bite
The remaining forms of malocclusion generally addressed and treated by Invisalign include the following Deep Bite (pictured second to last), Under Bite (pictured last), Excessive Overjet (no photo), Edge to Edge (no photo) and Open Bite (no photo). All of these can lead to chipped or fractured teeth, jaw pain, worn down teeth, abfraction and ultimately periodontal disease.
Bottom Line
No matter the type of malocclusion you have you should talk to your dentist about Invisalign. As you can see, treating malocclusion is more than simply an esthetic/cosmetic issue because it can lead to periodontal and cardiovascular health problems. By using Invisalign you can improve your oral hygiene, have healthier gums, decrease wear and tear on your teeth and yes regain confidence with your new amazing smile!